Monday, April 29, 2013

Clever Girl

I started keeping a journal. I'll post selected entries to my blog.

I have a problem with people. They overly complicate things and take in the wrong meanings.

It's so hard to communicate.

God, I haven't talked to you in a while. I've been angry. The intense, smoldering kind of anger typically reserved for one's nemesis. Or in this case, someone whose gone and done me wrong. Real wrong.

But like the southern Baptists say, Y'all motherf--s need Jesus. I know it's true and I'm living proof of how He can change a life.

I know I would have killed myself dozens of times over without my faith. Not because heaven's closed to suicide victims, but because I truly believe there's more and that You do have a plan for me. I wish I could see it.

Holy father, what am I supposed to do?

I wish I could feel your presence. But you never gave me that gift. All I can do is look back on hard times and see where You were carrying me. And where we were both trudging through enemy jungle in combat boots, machete in hand, wearing camo face paint and cutoff vests, assault rifles at the ready. We were probably hunting velociraptors.

Seriously, why doesn't that stuff happen anymore? I want to go raptor hunting with Jesus. He'd be good at it.

I no longer believe in traditional relationships. Been there, done that, they don't work. Not in this world. We don't need them anymore.

Why do they exist? Because we needed to populate the world. Check. Done. Move on.

Gay? Fine. Lesbian? Better. Traditional? Cool, but you better be cool about it. Sixteen people ranging from 18 to 46 living under one roof, fucking and sucking every night? Be careful, keep the clap at bay and have at it.

God gave us Adam and Eve when we needed to populate the world. He also gave us imagination and fingers.

Good first journal entry. God, I'm still waiting for our playdate. Don't make me die for it.

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